Evangelist Adnan is as old now as Jesus was when He started His earthly ministry. Adnan is a preacher, teacher and demonstrator of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! He serves the Lord Jesus with his whole heart, his neighbour and people of Lahore and Pakistan with the compassion and love that flows from his Savior! Adnan also serves as an Assitant Pastor at Good Samaritan Church of Pakistan.
The children are on Adnans heart and he works tirelessly to both see their physical needs as well as their spiritual needs be met. Campaigns and meetings are a regular part of Adnans work as is feeding the hungry and helping orphans, elderly, and widows. Adnan and his team has taken the “putting together” food packages to a new level as they use local church facilities to set up temporary storage and packaging of “food packages” that will be distributed to all the city´s needy!
Another very important task that Adnan sacrificially and passionately pours himself into is to distribute the Word of God to all those that do not have a bible. He has distributed electronic bibles, MP3 bibles, and the old fashioned kind of bonded book bibles. Needless to say is that these bibles are given away - free bibles.
Please become a monthly giving partner to support the work of Adnan. If you are not able to do that please consider a one time gift of any amount. Every and all gifts and donations are recieved with gratitude and every gift matters and changes lives!
Be a part of changing the world and Pakistan by sowing your significant seed into this young mans life and ministry! You can see more of Adnan here:
Telephone: +92 3224563180
Email: adnank42@hotmail.com