RMSES is also called as Ruben Memorial Social & Educational Society. We work among the tribal people who were downtrodden under the upper class Religions. Generation after generation they used to work as bonded slaves.
About Founder: This ministry was founded and established by Bro. RUBEN in the year 1983. He served as president. Bro. Ruben is also from the same tribal community. But by the grace of God he was able to do his graduation degree and the first person from his community to get lecturer job in a college. Step by step he grew up in his carrier and finally he become Vice-Principal for Noble College (www.noblecollegemtm.org), Machilipatanam, Andhra Pradesh, India. He started church ministry among tribal at the other end. Slowly people attracted to the Gospel Good News and thousands of people accepted Jesus as their personal saviour. God has done marvellous things through this ministry and used His servant Bro. Ruben for his Glory. My father went into the villages where he was born every weekend and started the ministry among the people who were bound with witchcraft and black magic. They worshiped 33 million Idols. Many where possessed by the evil sprits. Slowly, He has managed to start a church planting ministry and this has grown to 28 churches and 30 pastors are working in that 40 villages. Our father went home to the LORD in 2000. Now my brother and I are taking care of and managing this ministry.
When my father retired he got some benefits. We put them in the bank and the interest that accumulated we have put in a trust to give to all the pastors. Each pastor will get 4$ per month. Yes, it is very difficult to survive on $4 a month but the pastors are doing their very best for the Lord. And this is a foundational support. My father had a great big heart for the poor so all the money except for his family needs he used in the Lords work. As a lecturer he had only two pairs of clothes that is white coloured for many years.
My name is David Paul who is the younger son of the founder president Bro. Ruben. When I was three years old, I was effected by polio and I cant walk I am in my wheel chair but god blessed me with his talents like playing keyboard, singing, a bit of composing music. I Completed my masters degree by the grace of god, and I am about to go for a job trials at that point god called me to do his work.
In my dream I was laying on a sea shore from my right side an old man coming towards me with a rod in his hand and a horn full of oil in another hand he came near to me and He stood in front of me and looked into my eyes graciously. Then he poured the oil on my head from his horn and said ''DO MY WORK IN INDIA '' and he disappeared. I suddenly wake up and I was so scared of that vision and I confirmed His divine calling from the scriptures and immediately setup my mind to obey the will of God and stopped searching for job from that day on wards. On that day I have decided to do His ministry and became a full time minister, which is a privilege to my life and I am proud to be God's beloved.
Our mission is to proclaim Gospel of our Lord high in our nation . And to equip our missionaries and pastors establishing churches allover our nation. The vision: Ruben Ministries helps pastors, leaders, missionaries. To establish orphanages, widow homes, homes for crippled, to establish good educational institutions for the unprivileged people, eradication of poverty, to give good life style to the poor people. To do Good news festivals in the villages and youth camps in the villages.
A lot of work is in pending. For example; we are praying to built new churches in the place were the people worship the idols. We also want to open the orphanage for the very poor orphans and a home for the widows. This area is a very dry region and wont have any rains properly so these people wont have proper works for there lively hood so we are planning to start some small scale industries like suing centers development of there cultivation,and cattle,etc,
Your loving brother in Christ, A.DAVID PAUL
Contact us for more information about this mission and please go to our giving and donation page to give to this ministry.
To contact the Mission directly use the information below:
Website: www.rubenmses.webs.com
Tel: +91-9866913391
Twitter: @RubenMinistries